Columbia Heights Academy
Grade 9 Curriculum




























































Trimester Two (Feb-April)

English (13 hrs/wk)

0.25 cr. for English - Composition "Building Great Sentences"
0.25 cr. for English - Literature "Modern Writers"

Composition (2.5 hrs/wk)
- Text: Writing Strands 5 (first half)
- Video Course: (Great Courses)
Building Great Sentences: Exploring the Writer's Craft
- Supplementary Reading: Shrunk & White's Elements of Style

Literature (2.5 hrs/wk)
- Video Course: (Great Courses)
Analysis and Critique: How to Engage and Write about Anything
- Engagement: Three FVRL clubs; Two Prof. Writers Series
- Literary Terms: Quizlet
- Resource: Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms

Reading (12+ hrs/wk; NC=no credit)
- Book List: assigned and free choices per CHA Lit List 9

Vocabulary (2 hrs/wk; NC)
- Text: Classical Roots "D/E" with Quizlet
- Study: Keep notebook of difficult words from readings
- Supplementary Videos: The Story of English (PBS doc)

Mathematics (3.33 hrs/wk)

0.0 cr. for Geometry (cont'd)

Text: Geometry: Seeing, Doing, Understanding

Supplementary: A Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe by Michael Schneider (chs. 1-6)

Technology: Learn GeoGebra software via Math247 Mathcasts

Activities: Zome Tool Geometry, Geoboards, Platonic Solids Building Kit, more!

Science (3.33 hrs/wk)

0.33 cr. for Geology PROJECT

Create a short comic book video about sinkholes in the U.S. HS level research, proper citations. Must include 12-panels handdrawn, at least one graphic created by hand/software or “grab” and annotate at least two graphics. Film in Halftone app, load to YouTube.

History (5 hrs/wk)

0.33 cr. for Honors World History - Ancient World Civilizations

Text & MyHistoryLab & Videos: World Civilizations: The Global Experience (AP Edition, 7th ed, Stearns, ch. 1-10, up to 600 C.E.)

Resources: The Timetables of History: A Horizontal Linkage of People and Events and DK History: The Definitive Visual Guide

Supplementary Videos: Chronologically selected sections from ...
The Ascent of Man (Jacob Bronowski series)
Civilisation (Kenneth Clark series)
The Day the Universe Changed (James Burke series)

Foreign Language

Humanities / Social Sciences

0.33 cr. for Communication "The Public Speaking of Protest"

Writing speeches and giving public testimony before Port Commissioners, Goverment Commissions and Task Forces, and at Green Party events in protest of projects that pose dangers to our environment or climate.


Fine Arts: Art, Music, Theatre

PE: Fitness & Health (2.5 hrs/wk)

0.25 cr. for PE/Fitness - Swimming

PE/Fitness: Intermediate Swimming

Extra Curricular Activities

Horseback Riding Lessons at Cornerstone Horsemanship Stables (2 hr/wk)

Clubs: Active with two Teen Book Clubs that meet monthly (FVRL) to discuss books. Active in BSAT Teen Writing Group that meets semimonthly to share writing and provide each other constructive feedback. (4 hrs/month + lots of reading/writing homework)

Girl Scouts (Senior): Complete badges as desired. Perform service projects in the community. (5 hrs per month)